The Outbreak of Atypical Pneumonia ˇV Education can make a difference

Overall Objectives:
Students should be able

  • to acquire the basic knowledge about Atypical Pneumonia and its prevention
  • to reflect on peopleˇ¦s different reactions to the Atypical Pneumonia crisis and develop skills for informed decision-making
  • to develop positive values and attitudes for the betterment of the community at local, national and global levels

Learning and Teaching of Atypical Pneumonia - A Proposed Framework

Learning & Teaching Strategies and Resources for Different Levels - An Overview

Level Area of Learning Perspective


  Moral-social Personal-hygiene Science-medical
Teaching Guide
  • Concern for AP patients and medical workers
  • Appreciation for those who teach and serve us
  • Awareness of AP as a contagious diseaseˇP
  • Maintaining good health practices for prevention of AP
  • Awareness of the control measures we can take to protect ourselves against AP
Lower Primary

General Studies

Moral & Civic Education (MCE)

  • Concern for the medical professionals and those who help to combat AP
  • Concern for AP patients and those affected by AP
  • Developing civic responsibility by wearing a mask
  • Awareness of AP as a contagious disease
  • Maintaining good health practices for the prevention of AP
  • Awareness of the use of disinfectants on the fight against bacteria and viruses
  • Awareness of the control measures we can take to protect ourselves against AP
Upper Primary

General Studies

Moral & Civic Education (MCE)

  • Concern for the medical professionals and those who help to combat AP
  • Developing a caring family relationship at the outbreak of AP
  • Self-discipline in the period when classes are suspended
  • Concern for AP patients and those affected by AP in HK and other parts of the world
  • Critical reflection on different views towards the AP issue in society
  • Importance of international cooperation in combating AP (the work of WHO)
  • Awareness of AP as a contagious disease
  • Maintaining good health and hygienic practices for the prevention of AP
  • Awareness of the control measures we can take to protect ourselves against AP
Junior Secondary (S1-3)

Moral & Civic Education (MCE)

Science Education

Personal, Social and Humanities Education

  • Concern for the medical professionals and those who help to combat AP
  • Developing a caring family relationship at the outbreak of AP
  • Self-discipline in the period when classes are suspended
  • Critical thinking in dealing with AP information in the media
  • Critical reflection on different views towards the AP issue in society
  • Understand that the crisis we are facing is not unprecedented
  • Review and reflect on the happenings during the days classes were suspended
  • Decisions-making on the issues encountered
  • Case analysis of different reactions to the crisis
  • Maintaining good health and hygienic practices for the prevention of AP
  • Awareness of the contribution of scientists in the search for the pathogen causing AP
  • Micro-organisms and us
  • Vaccination and our immune system

Senior Secondary

Moral & Civic Education (MCE)

Science Education

  • Respect for those infected by AP
  • Critical thinking in dealing with AP information in the media
  • Critical reflection on different views towards the AP issue in society
  • The impact of the outbreak of AP on human relationships
  • Maintaining good health and hygienic practices for the prevention of AP
  • Understanding the nature of the pathogen causing AP
  • Understanding the body defence system in relation to AP
  • Appreciating the nature of science through studying the researches on AP
Senior Secondary

Science Education

Liberal Studies

  • Understanding the nature of AP as an example of infectious disease
  • Awareness of the contribution and limitations of science and technology in controlling AP
(1). Teacher's guides and worksheets are in the format of MS Word files.
(2). Teachers are encouraged to make school-based adaptation of the learning and teaching resources.
(3). A glossary of terms related to AP is provided for teachers' reference.