Types of Energy

Let's learn more about the different types of energy.

  • 1Let's see the different types of energy one by one.
  • 2Gravitational energy.
  • 3It is associated with gravity or gravitational force.
  • 4It is the energy held by an object because of its high position compared to a lower position.
  • 5For example, see these elephants?
  • 6This one has more gravitational potential energy as it is on higher ground.
  • 7And this one has less whereas gravitational force acting on both is the same.
  • 8Thermal or heat energy.
  • 9It is created from the vibration of molecules and atoms within substances.
  • 10The faster they move, the more energy they produce and the hotter they become.
  • 11Chemical energy.
  • 12It is the potential of a chemical substance that undergoes a transformation...
  • 13...through a chemical reaction to transform other chemical substances.
  • 14For example, the food we eat is digested to convert chemical energy...
  • 15...into other forms of energy used by cells.
  • 16Electrical energy.
  • 17It is generated by moving electric charges called electrons.
  • 18Lighting and electric cells are examples of electrical energy.
  • 19Radiant or light energy.
  • 20It is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
  • 21Light travels in waves and it's the only kind of energy humans can see.
  • 22For example, the energy from the Sun.