A Four-Day Workweek

Despite working only four days a week, this French company's employee output and earnings have increased.
  • 1Do four-day weeks work?
  • 2When French company boss Laurent de la Clergerie...
  • 3...decided to let his staff work a four-day week...
  • 4...on the same pay as before,...
  • 5...some people took him for a crazy person.
  • 6But a year on, his LDLC company selling consumer technology...
  • 7...has increased annual turnover by 40 percent...
  • 8...without hiring any extra staff.
  • 9As the world emerges from a global health crisis...
  • 10...that prompted many people to reevaluate their work-life balance,...
  • 11...companies and workers around the world are asking an important question.
  • 12Can they work less?
  • 13De la Clergerie says before he embarked on the change,...
  • 14...he did the math.
  • 15LDLC employs approximately 1,000 people.
  • 16He worked out that even in the worst-case scenario,...
  • 17...the change would add to labor costs by at most 1.6 million dollars per year.
  • 18It was a manageable risk he was willing to take.
  • 19Since then, he said that absenteeism and sick leaves have gone down.
  • 20The company has also not had to hire new people...
  • 21...to offset the reduction in hours worked.
  • 22And although the four-day week is not the only factor,...
  • 23...De la Clergerie says it contributed to a jump in turnover...
  • 24...from around 550 million dollars before the change to nearly 770 million dollars.