報名參加演說(2023年10月9日至2024年1月12日) Registration for giving speech (From 9 October 2023 to 12 January 2024)
Only teachers can enrol in the programme for students. Please complete this application form carefully and check if all the information is correct before submission. 此表格僅供教師為學生報名參加。請細心填寫申請表格,並在遞交前預覽所填寫的資料是否正確。
成功報名參加比賽後,請於2023年10月16日至2024年1月30日期間到預約系統,預約錄製演說的時間。 Once submitted the registration, please go to the studio booking system between 16 October 2023 and 30 January 2024 to book a session for recording your speech.
每間學校的參賽數目不限,學生可以個人或以二人一隊的形式參賽。請按學生於2023/24學年的年級報名。 There is no limit on the number of participating individuals or teams for each school. Students can participate individually or in a group of two. Please register according to students’ grades of 2023/24 school year.