Learning & Teaching Expo 2024 – Call for Papers
學與教博覽2024 – 徵求稿件及講者

Thanks for your interest in submitting papers for Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) 2024. Please read the following notes for application carefully.
感謝 閣下有興趣就「學與教博覽2024」遞交稿件。請於申請前細閱以下注意事項:

  1. Please complete this application form carefully and check if all the information is correct before submission.
  2. Each application should include ONLY one topic or project. Please follow the procedures to submit a new application for another topic or project if necessary.
    每份申請表格只能提交一個題目 / 項目。如欲提交多於一個題目 / 項目,請填寫並遞交另一新申請。
  3. The closing time of application is 2024-06-15, 11:59 pm (Hong Kong Time, GMT+08:00).
    截止申請時間為 2024-06-15 晚上11:59(香港時間, GMT+08:00)。
  4. Applicants will receive a confirmation email in seven working days upon successful submission.
  5. For enquiries, please contact us on +852 2624 1020 (Ms Sophia Yau) or +852 2624 1058 (Ms Celine Law) or papers-ltexpo@edcity.hk.
    如有查詢,請致電+852 2624 1020(邱女士)或+852 2624 1058(羅女士)電郵至 papers-ltexpo@edcity.hk 與我們聯絡。
Start Date
End Date


The application deadline is over. Thank you!