PICCK 學生獎勵計劃2024/25
PICCK Student Scheme 2024/25
School Enrolment Form


歡迎 貴校報名參加PICCK 學生獎勵計劃2024/25。請注意以下事項:

  1. 學生無需報名即可參與「PICCK學生獎勵計劃」(個別比賽除外),只需利用教城學生帳號登入即可參與計劃內的各項活動。
  2. 如欲競逐學校獎項,老師/職員/學校管理員登入教城學校帳號,並填寫報名表格。成功報名後,學校則可參與競逐學校獎項。
  3. 教城學校管理員須於學校帳戶管理系統更新學生帳戶資料,並將有關資料派發給學生,以參與計劃。詳情請聯絡 貴校之學校管理員或資訊科技統籌主任。




Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) will launch a brand-new student incentive scheme for the 2024/25 academic year. Built upon five developmental areas (PICCK), the program combines a series of projects, activities, and competitions to foster self-directed learning and interactivity, hence promoting the all-round development of students. The PICCK EdCity Student Scheme encompasses the Chinese language, English speaking, creative writing, reading, Science and General Studies, computational thinking and artificial intelligence, and more. Under the scheme, prizes will be offered to both schools and individual students. Please click here for details

Thank you for joining PICCK Student Scheme 2024/25. Please note:

  1. Students do not need to register to participate in the PICCK Student Award Scheme (with the exception of individual competitions). After logging in with their EdCity student account, students will be able to take part in programmes under the scheme.
  2. Teachers need to register their schools to compete for school awards under the corresponding programmes. To enrol your school, please log in with an EdCity school-based teacher, staff or school administrator account and complete this form.
  3. EdCity school administrator should update the student account information through EdCity’s ‘School Accounts Administration System’, and distribute the account information to students for them to join the schemes. Please contact your school administrator or IT coordinator for details.

For enquiries regarding Hong Kong Education City accounts or technical support, please email Hong Kong Education City at info@edcity.hk.

For enquiries regarding PICCK Student Scheme 2024/25, please email us at alice@hkecl.net.


報名開始日期: 2024-09-02
報名截止日期: 2025-05-29