Reading Star: Task 2 Enrolment Form
  1. 以香港教育城(教城)學生帳戶登入及填妥表格。
  2. 在提交作品時,參加者須於表格內提交以下兩項資料:
    1. 填妥的「作品提交表格」
    2. 上載所需的檔案
如需查閱詳情,可參閱「教城閱讀之星」網頁 。
如有垂詢歡迎電郵至alice@hkecl.net,或致電 與2624 1074(關小姐)聯絡。
Submission Method:
  1. Log in with a Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) student account and complete the form.
  2. When submitting your work, participants must provide the following information in the form:
    1. Completed "Review Submission Form"
    2. Upload the required files
For more details, please visit the Reading Star webpage.
For inquiries, please email alice@hkecl.net or contact Ms. Kwan at 2624 1074.

報名開始日期: 2025-01-15
報名截止日期: 2025-10-25