Learning & Teaching Expo 2025 – Call for Papers
學與教博覽2025 – 徵求稿件及講者

Thanks for your interest in submitting papers for Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) 2025. Please read the following notes for application carefully.
感謝 閣下有興趣就「學與教博覽2025」遞交稿件。請於申請前細閱以下注意事項:

  1. Please complete this application form carefully and check if all the information is correct before submission.
  2. Each application should include ONLY one topic or project. Please follow the procedures to submit a new application for another topic or project if necessary.
    每份申請表格只能提交一個題目 / 項目。如欲提交多於一個題目 / 項目,請填寫並遞交另一新申請。
  3. The closing time of application is 2025-02-11, 11:59 pm (Hong Kong Time, GMT+08:00).
    截止申請時間為 2025-02-11 晚上11:59(香港時間, GMT+08:00)。
  4. Applicants will receive a confirmation email in seven working days upon successful submission.
  5. For enquiries, please contact us on +852 2624 1020 (Ms Sophia Yau) or +852 2624 1071 (Ms Hayley Yu) or papers-ltexpo@edcity.hk.
    如有查詢,請致電+852 2624 1020(邱女士)或+852 2624 1071 (余女士)電郵至 papers-ltexpo@edcity.hk 與我們聯絡。
Start Date
End Date

報名開始日期: 2024-12-09
報名截止日期: 2025-02-11

*Mandatory 必須填寫
A. Personal Information 個人資料
*Title 稱謂:
*Applicant name 申請人姓名:

(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
*School / Organisation name 學校 / 機構名稱:

(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
*School / Organisation website 學校 / 機構網頁:
*Position 職位:

(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
*Contact email 常用電郵:
Applicants will receive a confirmation email. Please ensure a valid email address is entered.
*Contact no. 聯絡電話: School / Organisation
學校 / 機構

Mobile phone

*Country / Region 國家 / 地區: Hong Kong 香港
Others, please specify 其他,請註明:

*本人是否主講者 : Yes 是
No 否

Full name 全名
School / Organisation name
學校 / 機構名稱
Position 職位
Profile 個人簡介

B. Category of Application 申請類別
*Category 類別 Introduction 簡介 Example 參考例子
Thematic Seminar 主題研討會 Educators sharing innovative and effective teaching strategies and pedagogies, as well as quality resources in various areas including K12 Education, Special Education, Early Childhood Education, Higher Education, etc.
Photo 相片 Video 影片
Open Lesson 公開示範課 Teachers conducting open lessons and interacting with audience to demonstrate how to integrate EdTech with innovative pedagogies in different subjects to build up students’ 21st century competencies, enhance engagement and motivation in learning. Lessons led by students, like project-based learning, can also be demonstrated by teachers and students in this category.
Photo 相片 Video 影片
STEAM / MAKER Project Showcase by Teachers and Students 師生展示STEAM/MAKER成品 Teachers and students showcasing their STEAM / Maker achievements resulted from innovative education and project-based learning
師生展示其 STEAM / Maker成品,分享推動創新教育及專題研習的成果。
Photo 相片

C. Details of Presentation – Thematic Seminar 演講詳情 – 主題研討會
* Presentation Topic 演講題目:
(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
* Presentation Language 演講語言: (select one or more 可選多項)
English 英文
Cantonese 廣東話
Putonghua 普通話
* Level 學習階段: (select one or more 可選多項)
Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
Primary School 小學
Secondary School 中學
Special School 特殊學校
Higher Education 高等教育
Others, please specify 其他,請註明:
* Theme 主題: (select at least one, at most three 可選最少一項、最多三項)
Theme ID
Theme in English 主題中文名稱 Content Relevancy 內容比例 (%)
Innovation & Cybersecurity 創新與網絡安全
1 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
2 Assessment and Data 評估與數據
3 Computational Thinking 運算思維
4 STEAM / Maker 科學、科技、工程、藝術及數學 / 創客
5 Design Thinking 設計思維
How We Learn & Teach 學與教
6 Blended Learning 混合式學習
7 Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
8 Gamified and Immersive Learning 遊戲化及沉浸式學習
9 Innovative Pedagogies and Lesson Design 創新教學法及課堂設計
10 Virtual Learning Environment 虛擬學習環境
11 Best Use of eResources 善用電子教材
Global Leadership & Citizenship 環球領導與公民意識
12 Student Leadership Development 學生領袖培育
13 Moral and National Education 德育及國民教育
14 National Security Education 國家安全教育
Lifelong Learning & The Futures of Work 終生學習及未來工作
15 Adaptive Learning 自適應學習
16 Life and Career Planning 生涯及職涯規劃
17 Life Education 生命教育
18 Future Skills and Mindset 未來技能與思維
19 Student Entrepreneurship Development 學生創業思維發展
20 Service Learning 服務學習
21 Vocational Education 職業教育
22 Micro-credentialing 微證書
Well-being, Inclusion & Diversity 身心靈健康、融合及多元議題
23 Drama and Arts in Education 戲劇、藝術融入教育
24 Growth Mindset and Character Building 成長思維及品格塑造
25 Values Education 價值觀教育
26 Well-being and Social Emotional Learning 身心靈健康及社交情緒教育
27 Special Educational Needs 特殊教育需要
28 Gifted Education 資優教育
29 Physical and Health Education 體育及健康教育
Parent Education 家長教育
30 Home-School Cooperation 家校合作
31 Positive Parent Education 正向家長教育
Sustainability 可持續發展
32 School Leadership and Transformation 學校領導及轉型
33 Sustainability of Education 可持續發展教育
New Humanities & Literacy Education 新人文學科及素養教育
34 Financial Literacy 理財素養
35 Media and Information Literacy 媒體及資訊素養
36 Reading Literacy 閱讀素養
37 Language Learning 語文學習
38 Translational Humanities 人文學科的轉化
International, Regional and National Co-operation for Educational Development 教育於國際、地區及國內的發展
39 Cross-regions Cooperation 跨地合作
40 Cultural Intelligence 文化智能
Sum 總和 %
* Bilingual Presentation Summary 演講內容中英文摘要:
A. Please concisely describe the background and content highlights of presentation in relation to your research, projects, pedagogies or experience (max. 200 words)

B. Please illustrate the relevant outcome and deliverables of your research, projects, pedagogies or experience (max. 150 words)

C. Please describe the expected takeaways of audience from your presentation (1 to 3 main points) (max. 150 words)

(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
A. 請提供研討會大綱,並簡述研討會內容與閣下的研究、計劃、教學法或經驗的關係(上限為200字)

B. 請描述該研究、計劃、教學法或經驗的相關成果(上限為150字)

C. 請簡述閣下預期參加者可從是次演講中得到的啟發(一至三項)(上限為150字)

Additional Information 補充資料:

If you have any additional information (e.g. Speaker biographies, school / organisation introduction, research paper, teaching plan, related images, etc.), please upload such information in doc, docx, pdf or zip format.
(Please zip if there are more than one file with 100MB as max. file size)

如有任何補充資料(如講者簡介、學校 / 機構簡介、研究報告、教案、教學相關圖片等),請以doc、docx、pdf或zip格式上載。

Use of personal data in direct marketing 使用個人資料作直接促銷

EdCity intends to use your personal data (i.e. name, telephone number and email address) to contact you and email you newsletters and information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of EdCity and its co-organisers and supporting organisations. We will use your personal data for direct marketing strictly in accordance with the privacy policy of EdCity. You can opt not to receive such information anytime. EdCity will not use your personal data for the above purposes without your consent. 

EdCity sets out a policy governing the collection and handling of personal data. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by EdCity. Please visit 私隱政策聲明 - 香港教育城 (edcity.hk) for further details. For any enquiries, please contact us at  info@edcity.hk


教城已制訂收集和使用個人資料的政策,閣下有權查閱及改正教城所持關於閣下的個人資料,詳情請瀏覽私隱政策聲明 - 香港教育城 (edcity.hk)。如有任何查詢,請電郵至info@edcity.hk聯絡我們。

I wish to receive newsletters and any information about school visits, the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of EdCity and its co-organisers / supporting organisations.


Smart City Consortium (organiser of LTE 2025) intends to use your personal data, i.e. name, telephone number and email address, to contact you and email you newsletter and information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of Smart City Consortium and its co-organisers / supporting organisations. Such direct marketing will strictly comply with the privacy policy of Smart City Consortium. You can opt not to receive such emails anytime. Smart City Consortium may not use your personal data unless it has received your consent.

智慧城市聯盟 (學與教博覽2025 主辦單位)擬使用閣下的個人資料(即姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址)以通知閣下有關智慧城市聯盟與其合辦機構及支持機構的教育最新動向、優惠、活動、服務及產品。此等直接促銷會根據智慧城市聯盟的私隱政策嚴格執行。閣下亦可隨時選擇不再接收這些電郵。唯智慧城市聯盟在未得到閣下的同意之前不能如此使用閣下的個人資料。

I wish to receive newsletters and any information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of Smart City Consortium and its co-organisers / supporting organisations.

Terms and Conditions 條款及細則
  • Your presentation must reflect actual classroom experience and/or research in an educational discipline.
  • Your presentation must be relevant to the selected theme(s).
  • Your presentation should be within 30 minutes including a 5-minute Q&A session.
  • Your presentation must be conducted in English / Cantonese / Putonghua.
  • You retain copyright over your work, while agreeing the organisers of LTE to place your work and/or presentation materials online to allow others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its initial presentation.
  • The organisers of LTE own the right to make decision on presentation selection in their sole and absolute discretion to select the shortlisted applicants.
  • All data transfer and reception time shall be according to the organisers of LTE, and subject to the organisers' final decision. The organisers are not responsible for any data that is transmitted late, lost, or any information that is received but incomplete or illegible.
  • You acknowledge that the organisers of LTE reserve the right to amend or vary the terms and conditions without prior notice. However, the organisers will use its reasonable and practicable efforts to post and publish the most recent terms and conditions via their channel.
  • If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
C. Details of Presentation – Open Lesson 演講詳情 – 公開示範課
* Open Lesson Topic 公開示範課題目:
(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
* Open Lesson Category 公開示範課類別: (select one ONLY 單選)
 Open Lesson directed by teachers 由教師主導的公開示範課
 Open Lesson directed by students 由學生主導的公開示範課
* Open Lesson Language 公開示範課語言: (select one or more 可選多項)
Speakers are encouraged to present with the medium of instruction used in real-classroom teaching.

English 英文
Cantonese 廣東話
Putonghua 普通話
* Level 學習階段: (select one or more 可選多項)
Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
Primary School 小學
Secondary School 中學
Special School 特殊學校
Higher Education 高等教育
Others, please specify 其他,請註明:
* Theme 主題: (select at least one, at most three 可選最少一項、最多三項)
Theme ID
Theme in English 主題中文名稱 Content Relevancy 內容比例 (%)
Innovation & Cybersecurity 創新與網絡安全
1 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
2 Assessment and Data 評估與數據
3 Computational Thinking 運算思維
4 STEAM / Maker 科學、科技、工程、藝術及數學 / 創客
5 Design Thinking 設計思維
How We Learn & Teach 學與教
6 Blended Learning 混合式學習
7 Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
8 Gamified and Immersive Learning 遊戲化及沉浸式學習
9 Innovative Pedagogies and Lesson Design 創新教學法及課堂設計
10 Virtual Learning Environment 虛擬學習環境
11 Best Use of eResources 善用電子教材
Global Leadership & Citizenship 環球領導與公民意識
12 Student Leadership Development 學生領袖培育
13 Moral and National Education 德育及國民教育
14 National Security Education 國家安全教育
Lifelong Learning & The Futures of Work 終生學習及未來工作
15 Adaptive Learning 自適應學習
16 Life and Career Planning 生涯及職涯規劃
17 Life Education 生命教育
18 Future Skills and Mindset 未來技能與思維
19 Student Entrepreneurship Development 學生創業思維發展
20 Service Learning 服務學習
21 Vocational Education 職業教育
22 Micro-credentialing 微證書
Well-being, Inclusion & Diversity 身心靈健康、融合及多元議題
23 Drama and Arts in Education 戲劇、藝術融入教育
24 Growth Mindset and Character Building 成長思維及品格塑造
25 Values Education 價值觀教育
26 Well-being and Social Emotional Learning 身心靈健康及社交情緒教育
27 Special Educational Needs 特殊教育需要
28 Gifted Education 資優教育
29 Physical and Health Education 體育及健康教育
Parent Education 家長教育
30 Home-School Cooperation 家校合作
31 Positive Parent Education 正向家長教育
Sustainability 可持續發展
32 School Leadership and Transformation 學校領導及轉型
33 Sustainability of Education 可持續發展教育
New Humanities & Literacy Education 新人文學科及素養教育
34 Financial Literacy 理財素養
35 Media and Information Literacy 媒體及資訊素養
36 Reading Literacy 閱讀素養
37 Language Learning 語文學習
38 Translational Humanities 人文學科的轉化
International, Regional and National Co-operation for Educational Development 教育於國際、地區及國內的發展
39 Cross-regions Cooperation 跨地合作
40 Cultural Intelligence 文化智能
Sum 總和 %
* Bilingual Presentation Summary 演講內容中英文摘要:
A. Please describe the innovative pedagogies, including lesson design, teaching objectives and teaching strategies to be delivered in your open lesson (max. 200 words)

B. Please describe the outcome and deliverables to share in your open lesson (max. 150 words)

C. Please describe the expected takeaways of participants from your open lesson (1 to 3 points)(max. 150 words)

D. Please describe the interactive activity in the hands-on session of your open lesson (max. 150 words)

(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
A. 請描述閣下的公開示範課將表達的創新教學法,包括教學設計、目標及教學策略(上限為200字)

B. 請描述閣下的公開示範課將發表的成果(上限為150字)

C. 請描述閣下預期參加者可從是次公開示範課中得到的啟發(一至三點)(上限為150字)

D. 請描述閣下在公開示範課中提供的體驗、互動環節及活動(上限為150字)

* Tools, Apps and Equipment Required 所需工具、應用程式及設備:
1. Do you plan to demonstrate any apps or online tools in your open lesson?
 Yes 是
 No 否
2. Apps or online tools to be pre-installed on the tablet
3. Do the apps or online tools include paid content to be demonstrated in the open lesson?
 Yes 是
 No 否
 Others, please specify 其他,請註明: 
4. Requirement on equipment 設備需求 (select one or more 可選多項)
Wi-Fi 無線網絡
Laptop 手提電腦
Tablet 平板電腦
Apple TV
Others, please specify 其他,請註明:
Additional Information 補充資料:

If you have any additional information (e.g. Teaching plans and supplementary information, Speaker photo, etc.), please upload such information in doc, docx, pdf or zip format.
(Please zip if there are more than 1 file with 100MB as max. file size)


Use of personal data in direct marketing 使用個人資料作直接促銷

EdCity intends to use your personal data (i.e. name, telephone number and email address) to contact you and email you newsletters and information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of EdCity and its co-organisers and supporting organisations. We will use your personal data for direct marketing strictly in accordance with the privacy policy of EdCity. You can opt not to receive such information anytime. EdCity will not use your personal data for the above purposes without your consent. 

EdCity sets out a policy governing the collection and handling of personal data. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by EdCity. Please visit 私隱政策聲明 - 香港教育城 (edcity.hk) for further details. For any enquiries, please contact us at  info@edcity.hk


教城已制訂收集和使用個人資料的政策,閣下有權查閱及改正教城所持關於閣下的個人資料,詳情請瀏覽私隱政策聲明 - 香港教育城 (edcity.hk)。如有任何查詢,請電郵至info@edcity.hk聯絡我們。

I wish to receive newsletters and any information about school visits, the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of EdCity and its co-organisers / supporting organisations.


Smart City Consortium (organiser of LTE 2025) intends to use your personal data, i.e. name, telephone number and email address, to contact you and email you newsletter and information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of Smart City Consortium and its co-organisers / supporting organisations. Such direct marketing will strictly comply with the privacy policy of Smart City Consortium. You can opt not to receive such emails anytime. Smart City Consortium may not use your personal data unless it has received your consent.

智慧城市聯盟 (學與教博覽2025 主辦單位)擬使用閣下的個人資料(即姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址)以通知閣下有關智慧城市聯盟與其合辦機構及支持機構的教育最新動向、優惠、活動、服務及產品。此等直接促銷會根據智慧城市聯盟的私隱政策嚴格執行。閣下亦可隨時選擇不再接收這些電郵。唯智慧城市聯盟在未得到閣下的同意之前不能如此使用閣下的個人資料。

I wish to receive newsletters and any information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of Smart City Consortium and its co-organisers / supporting organisations.

Terms and Conditions 條款及細則
  • Your Open Lesson must reflect actual classroom experience.
  • Your Open Lesson must be relevant to the selected theme(s).
  • Your Open Lesson should be within 40 minutes including a 5-minute Q&A session.
  • Your Open Lesson must be conducted in English / Cantonese / Putonghua.
  • It is not guaranteed that all the equipment listed in 'Requirement on equipment' of this form is provided.
  • You retain copyright over your work, while agreeing the organisers of LTE to place your work and/or presentation materials online to allow others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its initial presentation at the 21st Century Classroom.
  • The organisers of LTE own the right to make decision on presentation selection in their sole and absolute discretion to select the shortlisted applicants.
  • All data transfer and reception time shall be according to the organisers of LTE, and subject to the organisers's final decision. The organisers are not responsible for any data that is transmitted late, lost, or any information that is received but incomplete or illegible.
  • You acknowledge that the organisers of LTE reserve the right to amend or vary the terms and conditions of 21st Century Classroom without prior notice. However, the organisers will use its reasonable and practicable efforts to post and publish the most recent terms and conditions via the organisers channel.
  • If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
C. Details of STEAM / MAKER Project Showcase by Teachers and Students 師生展示STEAM / MAKER 成品詳情
* Name of Project / Product 計劃 / 成品名稱:
(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
* Level 學習階段: (select one or more 可選多項)
Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
Primary School 小學
Secondary School 中學
Special School 特殊學校
Higher Education 高等教育
Others, please specify 其他,請註明:
* Theme 主題: (select at least one, at most three 可選最少一項、最多三項)
Theme ID
Theme in English 主題中文名稱 Content Relevancy 內容比例 (%)
Innovation & Cybersecurity 創新與網絡安全
1 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
2 Assessment and Data 評估與數據
3 Computational Thinking 運算思維
4 STEAM / Maker 科學、科技、工程、藝術及數學 / 創客
5 Design Thinking 設計思維
How We Learn & Teach 學與教
6 Blended Learning 混合式學習
7 Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
8 Gamified and Immersive Learning 遊戲化及沉浸式學習
9 Innovative Pedagogies and Lesson Design 創新教學法及課堂設計
10 Virtual Learning Environment 虛擬學習環境
11 Best Use of eResources 善用電子教材
Global Leadership & Citizenship 環球領導與公民意識
12 Student Leadership Development 學生領袖培育
13 Moral and National Education 德育及國民教育
14 National Security Education 國家安全教育
Lifelong Learning & The Futures of Work 終生學習及未來工作
15 Adaptive Learning 自適應學習
16 Life and Career Planning 生涯及職涯規劃
17 Life Education 生命教育
18 Future Skills and Mindset 未來技能與思維
19 Student Entrepreneurship Development 學生創業思維發展
20 Service Learning 服務學習
21 Vocational Education 職業教育
22 Micro-credentialing 微證書
Well-being, Inclusion & Diversity 身心靈健康、融合及多元議題
23 Drama and Arts in Education 戲劇、藝術融入教育
24 Growth Mindset and Character Building 成長思維及品格塑造
25 Values Education 價值觀教育
26 Well-being and Social Emotional Learning 身心靈健康及社交情緒教育
27 Special Educational Needs 特殊教育需要
28 Gifted Education 資優教育
29 Physical and Health Education 體育及健康教育
Parent Education 家長教育
30 Home-School Cooperation 家校合作
31 Positive Parent Education 正向家長教育
Sustainability 可持續發展
32 School Leadership and Transformation 學校領導及轉型
33 Sustainability of Education 可持續發展教育
New Humanities & Literacy Education 新人文學科及素養教育
34 Financial Literacy 理財素養
35 Media and Information Literacy 媒體及資訊素養
36 Reading Literacy 閱讀素養
37 Language Learning 語文學習
38 Translational Humanities 人文學科的轉化
International, Regional and National Co-operation for Educational Development 教育於國際、地區及國內的發展
39 Cross-regions Cooperation 跨地合作
40 Cultural Intelligence 文化智能
Sum 總和 %
* Has the project / product been awarded? 計劃 / 成品曾否獲得校外獎項? (select one ONLY 單選)
Yes, please specify 有,請註明: 
 No 沒有
Showcase Format 成品展示方式: (select one or more 可選多項)
Multimedia 多媒體
Handheld size object, please specify the (estimated) dimension 小型物品,請註明物品(預計)尺寸:
Large / oversize object, please specify the (estimated) dimension 大型物品,請註明物品(預計)尺寸:
*Product / Project Photo 展示內容 / 成品相片:

If you have any photo of your product display, please upload such information in jpg, png, or zip format.
(Please zip if there are more than 1 file with 100MB as max. file size)

如有任何展示內容 / 成品的相片 / 產品設計圖,請以jpg、png或zip格式上載。

* Bilingual Showcase Summary 展示內容中英文摘要:
A. Please concisely describe the details of your project / product, including features, functions, production skills, pedagogies, etc. (Max. 200 words)

(For overseas speakers, you may fill in 'N/A' if no Chinese content can be provided)
A. 請簡述閣下的成品,包括特點、功能、製作技巧,及 / 或當中涉及的教學法等(上限為200字)

* Keywords of your showcase (Other than the above-mentioned learning areas, please list max. 5 keywords that can best represent your showcase)
Use of personal data in direct marketing 使用個人資料作直接促銷

EdCity intends to use your personal data (i.e. name, telephone number and email address) to contact you and email you newsletters and information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of EdCity and its co-organisers and supporting organisations. We will use your personal data for direct marketing strictly in accordance with the privacy policy of EdCity. You can opt not to receive such information anytime. EdCity will not use your personal data for the above purposes without your consent. 

EdCity sets out a policy governing the collection and handling of personal data. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by EdCity. Please visit 私隱政策聲明 - 香港教育城 (edcity.hk) for further details. For any enquiries, please contact us at  info@edcity.hk


教城已制訂收集和使用個人資料的政策,閣下有權查閱及改正教城所持關於閣下的個人資料,詳情請瀏覽私隱政策聲明 - 香港教育城 (edcity.hk)。如有任何查詢,請電郵至info@edcity.hk聯絡我們。

I wish to receive newsletters and any information about school visits, the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of EdCity and its co-organisers / supporting organisations.


Smart City Consortium (organiser of LTE 2025) intends to use your personal data, i.e. name, telephone number and email address, to contact you and email you newsletter and information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of Smart City Consortium and its co-organisers / supporting organisations. Such direct marketing will strictly comply with the privacy policy of Smart City Consortium. You can opt not to receive such emails anytime. Smart City Consortium may not use your personal data unless it has received your consent.

智慧城市聯盟 (學與教博覽2025 主辦單位)擬使用閣下的個人資料(即姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址)以通知閣下有關智慧城市聯盟與其合辦機構及支持機構的教育最新動向、優惠、活動、服務及產品。此等直接促銷會根據智慧城市聯盟的私隱政策嚴格執行。閣下亦可隨時選擇不再接收這些電郵。唯智慧城市聯盟在未得到閣下的同意之前不能如此使用閣下的個人資料。

I wish to receive newsletters and any information about the latest education related news, special offers, activities, services and products of Smart City Consortium and its co-organisers / supporting organisations.

Terms and Conditions 條款及細則
  • Your showcase must be relevant to STEAM Education.
  • You should prepare all the equipment, tools and materials for the showcase. Tables and chairs will be supplied onsite.
    參展學校 / 機構需自備所有所需儀器、工具和材料。大會將提供桌椅。
  • Each session of showcase will last no more than a half day. It is not guaranteed that the time slot(s) selected in 'Preferred Time slot for Showcase' of this form is/are offered.
  • You retain copyright over your work, while agreeing the organisers of LTE to place your work and/or presentation materials online to allow others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its initial presentation.
    參展學校 / 機構仍保留演講內容之版權,並允許學與教博覽主辦單位將閣下的演講內容或資料於網上發布,讓第三者在列明原作者及演講出處的情況下,自由取得、使用、轉載閣下的演講內容或資料。
  • The organisers of LTE own the right to make decision on presentation selection in their sole and absolute discretion to select the shortlisted applicants.
  • All data transfer and reception time shall be according to the organisers of LTE, and subject to the organisers, final decision. The organisers are not responsible for any data that is transmitted late, lost, or any information that is received but incomplete or illegible.
  • You acknowledge that the organisers of LTE reserve the right to amend or vary the terms and conditions without prior notice. However, the organisers will use its reasonable and practicable efforts to post and publish the most recent terms and conditions via the organisers channel.
  • If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

Personal Information Collection Statement 收集個人資料聲明
  • It is voluntary for you to provide your personal information, it will help LTE to gather statistics and review their service quality.
  • Your personal data will be used for the purpose of application, contact, survey, result announcement and any arrangements related to this activity.
  • For the above purpose, your name and school name/organization name may be disclosed through LTE's websites and/or other websites and/or media. Your information may also be provided and disclosed to relevant parties of this activity, such as strategic partners, programme partners, supporting organisations, media, etc.
  • It is mandatory for you to provide personal data marked with asterisks. If you do not provide such personal data, LTE may not be able to accept your application.
  • LTE has respective policies governing the collection and handling of personal data. You have the right to request access to and correction of information held by LTE about you. Please visit here or contact LTE's staff for further details.
* I have read and understood the above Terms and Conditions, and the statement.