Student Innovation Competition 2025
  1. 此報名表格分為兩部分:
    This registration form consists of 2 parts:
    1. 報名參加比賽(2025年2月5日至4月3日)
      Registration for the competition (From 5 February to 3 April 2025)
    2. 遞交「學生創新大賽」的作品(2025年4月10日至4月25日下午5時正)
      Submission of Work(s) (From 10 Apr to 5:00pm, 25 April 2025)
  2. 以香港教育城(教城)教師或學校戶口管理人帳戶登入及填妥表格,並核對資料無誤。
    Log in with EdCity Teacher or School Admin account to complete the form and verify that the data is accurate.
  3. 成功報名參加比賽後,請於2025年4月10日後再次登入此表格遞交作品。
    After successfully registering for the competition, please log in to this form again after 10 April 2025 to submit your work(s).
  4. 每間學校參賽隊伍不限,每隊可遞交一個作品檔案,每隊需由4-8名學生組成。
    The number of participating teams from each school is not limited; each team may submit one project file and each team should consist of 4-8 students.
  5. 有關比賽詳情之查詢,請致電2624 1074或電郵至alice.kwan@hkecl.net 與香港教育城關靜嫻女士聯絡。
    For enquiries, please contact Ms Alice Kwan at 2624 1074 or email to alice.kwan@hkecl.net.

報名開始日期: 2025-01-05
報名截止日期: 2025-04-03