The competition is an attempt to awake public awareness of `Social Responsibility` through the concept of `General Education` by conducting a `Visual Arts' Creative Competition` to all Primary and Secondary Students in Hong Kong. Using Tsunami and Pakistan earthquakes as a platform, the competition would like to engage more students on their continuous support to international relief and development effort, to change their perception towards how they see the world and identify their HERO who touches their heart in this chaotic world.
¡¥My Hero¡¦
The competition is divided into 4 sections:
Primary School:
Junior (P.1-P.3)
  Senior (P.4-P.6)
Secondary School :
Junior (F.1-F.3)
  Senior (F.4-F.7)
Works can be submitted by e-copy or hard copy. However, all formats will be judged under the same criteria.
(a) Hard copy: Size of works should be larger than A5.
(b) E-Copy:
Works should be in JPEG (.jpg) file format. No photos or flash will be accepted.
Resolution of soft copy should be 300dpi and file size not more than 2MB.
Size of hard copy should be larger than A5.
Hard copy may be required to submit if necessary.
Number of participants in each school is not limited. However, each participant can only submit one work.
(a) For applications, please submit the completed form
by fax: 2155 0448
or email:
before application deadline.
(b) Hard copy submission: Please write down the name, school, section as
well as the topic at the back of the drawing and submit the works to
¡¥My Hero ¡V Visual Arts Creative Competition¡¦, Mercy Corps, Unit A & B, 6/F, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong.
(c) E-Copy submission: Please upload the JPEG file to and follow the instructions
to fill in the application information.
(d) Works submission deadline: 21st April, 2006 (Friday)
Decisions by judges and the Organizers are final. No petitions for review would be considered.
All winning works may be used for exhibitions or charity selling. Income generated will be donated to Mercy Corps for reconstruction of South Asia Region or other disaster relief projects around the world.