

作者: 職業訓練局特殊教育需要學生服務工作小組 梁美嫻女士、林廷軒先生、邱子丞先生
最後更新: 11/03/2017








  • 梁美嫻女士〔高級學生發展主任(支援有特殊教育需要學生)〕,
  • 林廷軒先生〔教師(支援有特殊教育需要學生)〕,
  • 邱子丞先生〔教師(支援有特殊教育需要學生)〕



The presentation was a sharing of experience on carrying out trials of the PEERS Program at the VTC context. The term PEERS, stands for the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills, is a dedicated social training model for moderate to high functioning ASD individuals.The major objective of the PEERS program lies in the enhancement of social competence, social adaptation and social repertoire of ASD individuals. Series of trials has been conducted at the VTC context, working with ASD students from different level of study, as well as other SEN students with social difficulties.

The major objective of the PEERS program lies in the enhancement of social competence, social adaptation and social repertoire of ASD individuals. Series of trials has been conducted at the VTC context, working with ASD students from different level of study, as well as other SEN students with social difficulties.

Below is the simplified layout of the presentation:

  1. Brief introduction of the PEERS model (i.e. background, research findings, certification of practitioner, implementation procedure)
  2. Introduction of the trial program (e.g. the rationale, students’ demographics, context of application, composition of the staff member, respective adaption made on the content)
  3. Special observations
  4. Difficulties encounter during implementation
  5. Reflections/ Learning of teachers/ social workers
  6. Hints for future implementation




