Student Scheme
A A A+ A++


EdCity organises a series of award schemes for students, covering Chinese language, English speaking, creative writing, reading, Science and General Studies, as well as computational thinking and artificial intelligence. There are prizes for schools and individual students.

  • All students are free to join the schemes with their EdCity student accounts and get individual student prizes.
  • Teachers can enrol online with their EdCity teacher accounts before the scheme enrolment deadlines. Schools that have entered are entitled to win school prizes and receive the latest news about the schemes.
  • The Online Learning Calendar is an overview of all scheme calendars. Click on the date to browse the exercise info and access it with just one click.

Please click the below button to enter Online Learning Calendar

Please click here to download school e-circular template: Primary School | Secondary School

EdCity Online Summer Activities

The summer vacation has arrived! Are you ready to welcome the holiday? However, let's make sure we don't completely forget what we've learned in school. EdCity’s Student Incentive Program offers a wide range of self-learning projects that will be regularly updated during the summer. You can keep yourself engaged by reading, creating, and enjoying interactive learning games. Join our online summer activities today!


Poster download

About 'My Dashboard'

Through 'My Dashboard', students are able to track their self-learning progress, achievement and access the learning schedule of all schemes on a single interface, to enjoy a personalised self-learning journey.

The dashboard homepage consists of three panels: 'Progress', 'My Scheme' and 'Online Learning Calendar'. Students can customise the position of the panels based on their preferences and needs, and receive the updates of the subscribed schemes with the 'Notification' function.





  • All All
  • Primary Primary
  • Secondary Secondary
Students are encouraged to watch educational videos, play games, and complete reading comprehension exercises to enhance their language skills, as well as appreciate the values expressed in classical Chinese and literature.
Subjects: Chinese
Students demonstrate their creativity and create their own themed writing, essays and book reviews.
Subjects: Chinese
Encourage students to read extensively and record their own reading journey by collecting Reading Charter Cards and writing reflections.
Subjects: Cross-subjects
Motivate students to acquire knowledge in science, mathematics and general studies with fun games.
Subjects: Maths, General Studies, STEM