
友趣兒歌學習材料 Learning through songs and rhymes worksheets

最後更新: 11/03/2022



Practicing is one of the most effective ways of learning second language. To increase child’s motivation to practice Chinese,“C-for-Chinese@JC” has gathered a list of Chinese nursery rhymes that contain vocabularies and cultures relevant to daily life occasions, and developed some activities worksheets to help them understand the meaning of the rhymes and learn the vocabularies in the rhymes. The materials are suitable for teachers to use in classes as well as for non-Chinese speaking parents to practice with their child at home.


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學習唱遊工作紙 Learning through songs and rhymes worksheets

K1-1 身體 Body

K1-2 家庭 Family

K1-3 食物 Food

K1-4 社區 Community

K1-5 交通 Transportation

K1-6 動物 Animals


K2-1 朋友 Friends

K2-2 職業 Occupation

K2-3 疾病 Illness

K2-5 運動 Sports


K3-1 情緒 Emotion

K3-3 大自然——螞蟻 Nature – Ant 

K3-3 大自然——蜜蜂 Nature – Bee

K3-5 季節 Season



策劃及捐助 Created & Funded By

聯合策動 Co-created By