友趣遊戲資源 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game
“C-for-Chinese@JC” offered centre-based and on-site learning activities to extend and enrich children’s learning at school. Such play-based activities could induce children’s motivation of learning Chinese and allow them to gain confidence through practices, eventually enhancing their Chinese proficiency. Teachers are welcome to use these digital learning resources developed by the Chinese Language Centre of the Project.
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電腦視窗系統、安卓應用程式 Window software and Android app
友趣平板遊戲 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game (Android app)
友趣視窗遊戲 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game (Window software)
友趣平板遊戲 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game (Android app)
友趣視窗遊戲 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game (Window software)
友趣平板遊戲 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game (Android app)
友趣視窗遊戲 “C-for-Chinese@JC” game (Window software)
教學建議 Teaching suggestions
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策劃及捐助 Created & Funded By
聯合策動 Co-created By