
分層故事圖畫教材套家長指引 Parents’ guidebooks for differentiated storybook sets

最後更新: 03/06/2023



「賽馬會友趣學中文」計劃發展了18套程度由 K1 至 K3,並具備文化回應內容的分層故事書和教學資源。除了提供教師手冊讓教師使用外,家長也可下載相關家長用書,跟幼兒一同閱讀,增加學習中文的時間,鞏固幼兒學習。

“C-for-Chinese@JC” developed 18 sets of culturally responsive storybooks with ethnic minority cultural contents and differentiated levels, and relevant teaching and learning resources for kindergarten students. In addition to guidebooks for teachers, parent can also download the parent guidebooks and read at home with their children to increase their exposure to Chinese and reinforce their learning.


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K1-1《我們一起玩》家長用書 K1-1 We Play Together (Parent Handbook)

K1-2《放學》家長用書 K1-2 Class is Over (Parent Handbook)

K1-3《旅行》家長用書 K1-3 School Trip (Parent Handbook)

K1-4《熊寶寶去逛街》家長用書 K1-4 Teddy Bear Goes Shopping (Parent Handbook)

K1-5《最喜歡的車》家長用書 K1-5 My Favourite Vehicle (Parent Handbook)

K1-6《動物在哪裏》家長用書 K1-6 Where Are The Animals? (Parent Handbook)


K2-1《神秘袋》家長用書 K2-1 Mystery Bag (Parent Handbook)

K2-2《勇敢的消防員》家長用書 K2-2 Brave Firefighters (Parent Handbook)

K2-3《看醫生》家長用書 K2-3 Doctor’s Visit (Parent Handbook)

K2-4《送禮物》家長用書 K2-4 Handing Out Gifts (Parent Handbook)

K2-5《運動會》家長用書 K2-5 Sports Day (Parent Handbook)

K2-6《有趣的影子》家長用書 K2-6 Amazing Shadows (Parent Handbook)


K3-1《我喜歡上學》家長用書 K3-1 I Like School (Parent Handbook)

K3-2《外婆的節日》家長用書 K3-2 Grandma’s Day (Parent Handbook)

K3-3《熊寶寶的房子》家長用書 K3-3 Teddy Bear’s House (Parent Handbook)

K3-4《賣物會》家長用書 K3-4 The Bazaar (Parent Handbook)

K3-5《美麗的四季》家長用書 K3-5 The Beauty of Four Seasons (Parent Handbook)

K3-6《參觀小學》家長用書 K3-6 Primary School Visit (Parent Handbook)



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